
What's (not) in nuud?

What's (not) in nuud?

At nuud we think what’s in nuud is just as important as what’s not in nuud. So for instance: no aluminium, no vague chemicals, no salts, no artificial other words,...

What's (not) in nuud?

At nuud we think what’s in nuud is just as important as what’s not in nuud. So for instance: no aluminium, no vague chemicals, no salts, no artificial other words,...

Behind the scenes

Behind the scenes

We thought it would be nice to give a little behind the scenes look of our production. At least, the part where our sugar cane tubes are filled up with...

Behind the scenes

We thought it would be nice to give a little behind the scenes look of our production. At least, the part where our sugar cane tubes are filled up with...

400,000 super fresh armpits make the difference

400,000 super fresh armpits make the difference

Because those 400,000 have kicked the deodorant habit and upgraded to nuud. Because they all smell fresh and don’t smell like carpet cleaner. Because they don’t harm mother earth with rollers, aerosol...

400,000 super fresh armpits make the difference

Because those 400,000 have kicked the deodorant habit and upgraded to nuud. Because they all smell fresh and don’t smell like carpet cleaner. Because they don’t harm mother earth with rollers, aerosol...

Do nothing whatsoever

Do nothing whatsoever

It’s that time again – back to school. And, back to the daily grind. Vacation never seemed so far away! But why? We’re always striving for more. Faster, cheaper, hipper, cooler and...

Do nothing whatsoever

It’s that time again – back to school. And, back to the daily grind. Vacation never seemed so far away! But why? We’re always striving for more. Faster, cheaper, hipper, cooler and...

You could better write this blog post yourself

You could better write this blog post yourself

Look, of course nuud is enthusiastic about nuud. And we pour all that enthusiasm into our mails, posts and ads.But it’s our mantra never to go over the top.But our...

You could better write this blog post yourself

Look, of course nuud is enthusiastic about nuud. And we pour all that enthusiasm into our mails, posts and ads.But it’s our mantra never to go over the top.But our...

How on earth?

How on earth?

How on earth is it possible to make something more effective than any deodorant out there and be even more harmless at the same time?Well, it’s actually pretty simple yet...

How on earth?

How on earth is it possible to make something more effective than any deodorant out there and be even more harmless at the same time?Well, it’s actually pretty simple yet...