It’s that time again – back to school. And, back to the daily grind. Vacation never seemed so far away!
But why?
We’re always striving for more. Faster, cheaper, hipper, cooler and further…
And stress is all we get from it…The only result is less time and more bodily pain - in all kinds of places.
That’s why, nuud is a big believer in just lounging and hanging out. Because people increase their satisfaction when they spend a little more time just lounging and chilling. And from satisfaction comes happiness. And … from more happiness we get less stress, fighting, complaining, niggling and nagging.
It’s called slow living. A slower pace of life combined with reaping more pleasure from less.
That’s why we call nuud a slow product. You don’t need much and you can go on forever with just a tiny amount.
Nuud impacts mother earth less, and is made from things that harm the planet, our health and the world around us as little as possible.
Meanwhile, nuud does what it’s born to do; keeping your armpits nice and fresh and leaving your body temperature to do its natural thing. While taking care that you don’t have to care about your ecological footprint.
All slowly and with lots of love.
Your need to do so much will drastically be reduced. And you’ll do just that – way less. Start straight away!
Have a great day!