You could better write this blog post yourself

You could better write this blog post yourself

Look, of course nuud is enthusiastic about nuud. And we pour all that enthusiasm into our mails, posts and ads.

But it’s our mantra never to go over the top.

But our users see it otherwise.

Take a look!  👇🏼


You said it: with around 300,000 enthusiastic nuud-using armpits, you’d think we’d get some feedback - but OMG! - we didn’t anticipate this kind of response!

It makes us incredibly proud that you talk about us like this. It seems you guys all value that we do our stinking (in our case lovely smelling) best to deliver fresh armpits to the world. 

And, it got us thinking; our users can do a far better job of promoting us than we can. 


So, if you’re convinced by our enthusiastic nuud lovers and want to become one, just click here.
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